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5/9 @ 11:14 PM

Congratulations to Kiss My Pincheebles and Little Cupcakes for winning this season assuming they didn't research. If they did, congrats to Schlepp for repeating as non-researching champion!


5/6 @ 10:12 PM

Note that you can get up to 205 points this week - up to 100 for picking who gets voted off FIRST, 5 points for choosing the winner of the first IMMUNITY (not reward this week) and another 100 for picking the million dollar winner.


4/16 @ 9:24 PM

There was no big twist this week and the question is "who will win reward?". The answer is Rob, Amber, Shii Ann and Alicia.


4/16 @ 11:37 AM

Is the question "Who will win reward" or "Who will get reward" ?


4/16 @ 9:07 AM

We need to have a "none of the above" category for the reward challenge so that when they have a twist like this week, someone can get those bonus points.

1 Little Cupcakes 25 720
Kiss My Pincheebles 25 720
3 Schlepp 150 610
4 Mojimbo 180 538
5 Caribbean Princess 150 490
6 JustJim 175 475
7 Zookeeper-Barb 200 465
8 One For The Money 200 460
9 Rob from Long Island 200 449
10 The BoBinator 0 430
11 bluecarman 20 427
12 Mourns for Meatballs 0 373
13 patrickag 150 365
Gidget 0 365
peewee 130 365
16 mtnwmn 50 358
17 oncochick 40 340
18 Bug 170 330
19 Rudy 25 320
20 Mysol 0 290
21 mrunr12 100 280
22 dawniedawg 0 265
womenrule 0 265
24 Lola dog 0 245
25 Paryea 50 240
GO PATS! 40 240
27 Xena 0 237
28 geeners 0 231
29 JohnnyFairplay 0 220
30 All-Star_D 0 215
31 All The Way 0 205
32 CharBird 0 195
33 the admiral 0 180
34 All-Star Audfang 0 175
35 arsenic 0 163
36 I lost my focus, I'm here to beat Eric 0 150
37 DogLover 0 147
38 I Love Dogs 2 0 140
39 Mr Penguin 0 130
40 Bronte 0 110
41 Carneasada 0 105
42 Not a researcher 0 40
43 Halloween 0 35
44 RandomBaconJr 0 15
Sierra 0 15
46 calisurf 0 10
sunshine 0 10
Enigma 0 10
49 patricka 0 5
50 suka at bagoong 0 0
URPoopeyhead 0 0
Sagesjade 0 0
53 2 Legit 2 Quit 0 -605

Players with a * by their name have not finished this week's picks yet

Displaying Messages 1-5 of 33

  Amber Brkich
  25 years old from Beaver, PA
  6th place on Survivor:Outback