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If your life sucks clap your hands

12/15 @ 10:35 AM

I think I failed to do my "research" since I didn't get any points.

Mr. Frinckles

12/14 @ 11:14 PM

Can you explain the "Researcher" division?

Captain Jimby

12/14 @ 10:32 PM

Congratulations to Battle Bar Victim for winning the regular division of Survivor Pick 'Em and bluecarman for another victory (this time in the new 'Researcher' Division).

Captain Jimby

11/25 @ 11:38 AM

My guess was that Jeff couldn't do the math.

Spiced Rum

11/24 @ 1:44 PM

Anyone notice that they revealed all five votes for Rupert? Since Jon already had a vote, 4 votes would have guaranteed Rupert would go. That could come back to haunt Lillian. Intentional?


11/21 @ 5:40 PM

Don't you wish everyone called Rupert by his last name? I can picture Jeff at Tribal Council: "Boneham, who isn't doing enough around here" or "Sandra, can you guys survive without Boneham?" Must See TV!

Mr. Frinckles

11/21 @ 8:15 AM

Since Survivor will be on Wednesday instead of Thursday next week, will reminders be sent by Tuesday afternoon?


11/20 @ 9:55 PM

Anyone else miss Rob, Jon and Al, and of course Rupert? CBS keeps breaking my heart.

Captain Jimby

11/20 @ 6:41 PM

I disagree!


11/20 @ 9:52 AM

I know this is a couple weeks late but is Andrew Savage the first person on Survivor to be called by his last name? and does anyone else secretly (or not so secretly) think Jeff Probst wanted Savage to win?

R1 bluecarman 50 1280
R2 Mr. Frinckles 125 1200
R3 If your life sucks clap your hands 0 880
1 Battle Bar victim 0 540
R4 calisurf 0 535
R5 BabyFishMouth 0 465
2 Rudy 100 440
3 Captain Jimby 0 405
4 PearlMan 45 395
5 BubbRubb 100 365
6 womenrule 0 340
7 CHEFdwu 0 305
8 Spiced Rum 100 293
9 jenna's love child 0 285
10 jeremyround.com 0 225
Geeners 0 225
12 GO BLUE 0 212
13 arsenic 0 185
mgcrackers 25 185
mtnwmn 0 185
16 carneasada 0 165
17 I Got A Gun 0 155
18 MrBaconJr 0 150
19 grandviewgirl 0 145
20 All about ME 0 140
21 Lord of the Flies 0 134
22 Bobinator 0 130
23 West Indian Princess 0 125
Winner at Amazing Race 0 125
25 Gung Ho 0 120
26 All The Way! 0 115
27 Cooleyhighharmony 0 110
Claymaker 100 110
DogLover 0 110
30 ILuVChEETOS 0 100
31 Phoenix 0 85
32 sunshine 0 73
33 Mr Penguin 25 70
34 Sierra 0 65
35 Nichole 0 60
36 Survivorama 0 53
37 Boston Beasts 0 15
38 Gallagher 0 10
39 Capt Jack Sparrow 0 5
Van Wilder 0 5
41 hqt314 0 0

Players with a * by their name have not finished this week's picks yet

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  Sandra Diaz-Twine
  29, Office Assistant
  Ft. Lewis, WA